+6 017 889 0679 pelicandiveteam@gmail.com

Refresher Dive

Maybe it’s been awhile since your last dive, or maybe you’ve forgotten the difference between BWRAF and SORTED. We’ll get you back in tune, and be diving like a Pro and ready for your next dive trip in no time.

Find Out More

 Who should go for it?

Has it been a while since you’ve been scuba diving? Do you feel like your scuba skills and knowledge are a bit rusty? The Scuba Review Tune-up is just the refresher you need. It reacquaints you with diving so that you’re back to feeling comfortable in the underwater world in less than a day.

Refresh your dive gear basics.


Polish up all your dive skills to perfection.

Customizable schedule from 9am right upto 10pm.


Haven't done a Night dive yet? Let's bring out the Torchlights.

What You Learn

You go over scuba knowledge you learned during your initial training. Then, practice fundamental skills in a pool or a confined water area. You review:

  • Safe diving practices
  • Dive planning fundamentals
  • Problem management
  • Breathing air at depth
  • Recreational diving and dive tables: basic knowledge
  • Recreational diving and dive tables: dive planning


After you complete the knowledge assessment, you go through the Confined Water Skills Preview. You review information about each skill, why it’s important, points to remember when performing the skill and a short video clip. Completing this section just before practicing is a great way to refresh your knowledge of how each skill is performed.

The Fun Part

Brush up on your scuba knowledge and skills. Improve your diving ability, and get your scuba gear ready for your next scuba vacation or diving holiday.

Information For Divers

The Scuba Review course is particularly beneficial if you:

– Are a certified diver who wants a refresher prior to making your open water training dives

-Just haven’t scuba dived in a while and want to get acclimated again.

The Scuba Gear You Use

You use all the basic scuba gear.


To take the refresher, you must:


Have a scuba diver certification or be enrolled in a scuba certification course and must be able to prove it.
Be at least 10 years old


*Includes full equipment rental and instruction, pre-booking of at least 2 days is required.

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